Monday, March 21, 2011

10 days To Somethng Wonderful

What an awesome morning to arise from a restless slumber. I look at Twitter to see how my people are fairing in the world. I was so thrilled to hear that a new friend a divine friend was driving all the way from San Diego to LA. She got the gig that she so needed right now in her life. To say the least I was ecstatic for her. We send texts back and forth and finally she just picked up the phone and called me. I could hear the rain beating on her window shield as she was driving. We talked and shared and praised God for who he his and how things open up if when you just believe. There was so much on my mind and I was just so happy to know that something  good was happening for someone I knew; someone who I called a friend. In our our exchange I shared where I was in my career and how I was feeling a bit uncertain and frustrated.  As we were speaking she was absolutely right  when she identified these feelings of ,  "not really sure what is next or what is in front of me."  Then we spent the next half hour sharing our journeys' and brainstorming all the ways we could become proactive in our possibilities. As she described so powerfully, "sometimes you just have to pull the trigger." And that resonated I am not shooting to kill but I'm killing the fear in my because my aim is to win. So today, I begin breathing new life into my possibility!  Thanks you Lady J for speaking into my spirit. Healing words and giving me the courage to share my journey with the world . This blog is my meditation where I will speak life to myself everyday.
10 days to something wonderful!  I wonder what that wonderful will be......

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